A review by thimsu
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult


I'm so disappointed. While the concept was great, the execution much worse.
I sympathised with Anna from the very beginning, I loved how bold she was to press charges and fight for the quality of her life... until she wasn't...
I hated this plot twist!
The author once again made it about Kate while, I think, the point was to give Anna her spotlight. I acknowledge the fact how young Anna is but still- it bothers me that she did it all as a ANOTHER favour to Kate.
I try to understand Anna. In fact I too have two amazing sisters that I would do everything for, but I believe that it shouldn't be the point of this story

I did not enjoy most of the flashbacks, I think that the author should've left only the necessary ones (like Sara's or Anna's) and just delete the rest. I believe it would make the experience way better.
And, oh boy, how many pov's could've the author squeeze there?
There were way to many perspectives and it made reading so exhausting.