A review by anxiousnachos
Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder



Well this was a weird fever dream of brutality. And you’d think with those words I would have adored it…and I definitely think Yoder has so much skill, there were moments of genius and I love the idea.  The prose and brutal nature of the book viscerally makes me never want to have children. But somehow despite the book’s fairly short length, it still felt too long? The first 50 pages were my favourite and I feel like none of the ideas ever really developed from these first pages, the whole book was just more of the same.

Note: There’s an extremely graphic, gruesome cat murder scene that I found extremely disturbing as a cat owner myself and hadn’t been expecting. 

Content warnings: graphic killing of a cat, animal death, animal cruelty, body horror, childbirth, child neglect, emotional abuse, blood and gore 

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