A review by descartes
White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind by Koa Beck


This book is our generations women,race, class by Angela Davis. The author Koa Beck manages to show how “white” women and men walk hand in hand with the patriarchy to create an exclusive club that benefits mainly a privileged few (usually white wealthy) women alongside men at the expense of poor, non conforming, women of color.

In the book, feminism specifically white feminism becomes a tool to uphold and even empower the patriarchy. And Beck manages to draw on how feminism has been used as a tool to keep women of color out since almost its inception relying on the historical context of the women’s suffragette movement which itself was propelled by women of color who were not given the same seat at the table as white women have.

If you have read women, race, class by Angela Davis you actually might notice some of the similarities as Koa Beck touches on many of the same topics. However a major difference is that this book is written for a much more modern period and so encases a lot of the current struggles and issues we have seen play over in the media. Beck showcases how society has tried to include women of color and queer women but only to the benefit of themselves or their company while continuing to allow for injustice and exploitation to happen on a large scale basically cleaning their hands of scandal by saying “hey we have a diversity hire”. I can hardly explain how well the author manages to show the hypocrisy inherent in how we view and treat women in our society without reading the book line for line as she manages to include SO much detail in such a succinct and easy way.

I’m serious this book is just filled to the brim with quotes, facts, sources etc which is a godsend to people who love to source their arguments.

I’d recommend this book for literally anyone. The only people who might not like this book are men who are inherently against feminism or women who are in positions of power who abuse their power or who have gotten them through privilege and do not want to admit it. However even Beck engages with them in the book and shows how people in positions of privilege can use their privilege to help and payback those who have been exploited.

All in all a must read from me.