A review by haerlee
Reclaiming Our Space: How Black Feminists Are Changing the World from the Tweets to the Streets by Feminista Jones


I should have purchased this book. Instead, I borrowed a pristine version of this book, only to return it well-loved: dog eared and fingerprint smudged. I carried this book and slept with it because I didn't want to put it down. I also wanted to take note of some of the people, conferences, and movements that Jones referenced in the book.
All told, Jones delivered a book of recent histories. I started graduate school right when Melissa Harris-Perry ruled my weekends with her MSNBC show and the #nerdland twitter feed. I was able to supplement my assigned (read colonized) syllabi with nuanced readings and voices that I could learn from through their own twitter profiles. Jones deftly reminds us of this time while granting us extended context and connects the newer histories with the foundational voices such as the Combahee River Collective. This is a book to read, study, analyze, recommend, and re-read.