A review by jrc2011
Less Doing, More Living: Make Everything in Life Easier by Ari Meisel


My first big question from this book is: if you're just outsourcing tasks to other people, are they doing the same? No, wait, that's my second question. The first question really should be: how did this blog post get published as a book as it largely consists of reviews of online services/tools, many of which may be obsolete by now?

The basic jist of this book is "efficiency." Use the tools in the world around you to cope with the information overload and avoid getting bogged down in time-sucking tasks. Even though this book is 7 years old, I have heard of "Fancy Hands" or other virtual assistants and hiring one to do research for an upcoming trip would have saved me a lot of time over the years.

Meisel is also a ruthless inbox weeder -- as I am -- setting an upper limit on the inbox with a Do/Defer/Delete process. I get to "0" at least twice a week and set reminders on items for follow-up using Outlook (rather than some external service).

Funniest story was how he used an email reminder service to send a daily reminder on a question he had to a commercial service provider -- after 63 days they answered his question and begged he shut off the reminder function. Meisel has a course on udemy as of the printing of this book -- I'd recommend looking for his works online rather than reading dead-trees with bit.ly links printed across several pages.