A review by meganallenby
The Rom-Com Agenda by Jayne Denker


This one started a bit slow. Eli was a bit too obsessed with a woman who wasn’t into him. Thankfully she was in Italy and also was nice. But while Eli was trying to reinvent himself and have a life makeover to become the handsome hero he always should be, he meets Leah.

Leah was a foster kid and had no real family or friend group. She is overworked trying to keep ends meeting. And due to her numerous jobs, she gets roped into help with his life makeover. So cute because she definitely falls in love with his family before him and I really enjoyed that. 

I really enjoyed how this book moved to have a strong second half. Once we got into the emotions of Leah and Eli it got way better. His initial obsession with Victoria was quite irritating but once we move passed that and he started having feelings for Leah, it turned the book around. Their chemistry was on point and adorable. The scene where he tells her how he feels was perfection. 

I definitely recommend this. It was a fun little romp.