A review by droemmelig
How to Catch a Prince by Ana Ashley


Well, this book has been a pleasant surprise! Don't let yourself be fooled by the rather kitschy Cover and the well known tropes of instant love and the Fake boyfriends turning to real lovers angst. Even though they are undeniably there, it all goes down rather realistic when you read it. Take the instalove for example: Yes, during the meet cute both have an instinct gut reaction that draws them close and leads them to actually wanting to spend time together - so they get to know each other. Its only then that they act in a way to make each other comfortable by doing the "work" of talking to each other, listening and making the other feeling seen. And its only during this process that they rather organically fall in love with each other. The side characters were fun and I get the feeling that the love Story of each side character has the potential to be a good stand alone novel.

My only caveats are that the side plot seemed underdeveloped and some more details to flesh out the story would have gone a long way. In terms of worldbuilding, I feel there were lots of unused possibilities to rather organically work in the need to know information, rather then the information dumps that ended up in the book.

Nevertheless, I fully enjoyed my stay in Chester Falls and got some good belly laughes out of it. Oh, and it can be read as a stand alone, so there is no Cliffhanger at the end, charming you into buying the next part of the series.