A review by shaynalambert
Not Hungry by Kate Karyus Quinn


I’ll start out by saying that this book contains pretty graphic descriptions of disordered eating behaviors, so if that’s something that triggers you, I’d advise not reading this book until you’re at a more solid place in your recovery.
That said, this was a good little book written in a really interesting format. I’m not used to books written in verse, so this was a new experience for me. This has a lot of really deep, real emotions that I really relate to (unfortunately).
My only real complaint is that it read really fast. I finished it in a sitting. I would’ve loved to have seen this fleshed out into a full-length novel, and I feel like the pieces are there to make that possible. As such, I feel like the story resolved a little quickly, which strains some of its believability. I think fleshing it out to a full-length book would alleviate that. But as is, I thinks it’s a good read.