A review by therestlessbookflea07
Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Robin Wasserman, Sarah Rees Brennan, Cassandra Clare, Kelly Link, Maureen Johnson



FINALLY FINALLY finished this badboi. 'Twas satisfying and fun. Cassie's REALLY good at leaving Easter eggs and every bit of detail we need to look forward in the future of the Shadowhunter world. Of course, it was refreshing to encounter familiar names again (both the stellar and the fallen ones). Had good gasps but spend most of the time reading either exclaiming 'awwwww' or dropping f-bombs. Hahaha!

As for me, I am ecstatic to learn more about the development between Kit (the descendant of the First Heir) and Ash (the gifted son of the Fallen Star). I would also like to look forward about Janus (the Herondale cosplayer lol) and his plans in achieving them.

Throughout the book, James Carstairs is truly, truly an exquisite lover, hero and ally--making him the strongest Shadowhunter character yet.