A review by mybestfriendsarefictional
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner


This contemporary YA debut novel is thought-provoking, emotional and touches on many issues that others don't dare.  It was almost refreshing to see the real, raw emotion that both Cason and Davis showed at times.  We can't be strong all of the time and I rooted for them both. 

I really felt like I connected with both of the protagonists, Cason is fantastic.  She doesn't really have a filter which I liked and is very strong.  Davis is a great character, kind and selfless and his dark past made me really feel for him.  You could tell that he was struggling at times which was heart-breaking to read.

The secondary characters were great.  I loved Mari and Heather especially; for their no kid gloves attitude towards Cason - they knew what she needed and weren't afraid to go about it; their almost motherly tenderness for Davis was heart warming to read too.  

The story wove together wonderfully and there were a few times where I gasped out loud at what was happening; and I liked that I didn't find it predictable.  I was second guessing myself at times throughout the book.