A review by lucylexislawton
Caddy Ever After by Hilary McKay


2.5 stars.
ok so you know when i said the casson family were automatically entitled to at least 3 stars no matter what…?
in all fairness, there was an attempt. i appreciate that after 3 books of the same basic thing you might want to try something else. but in my opinion, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. and definitely don’t make it worse.
i just personally didn’t vibe with the whole first-person diary-entry thing, especially since rose seemed to dominate this book, and it was meant to be caddy’s, which would’ve been interesting as rose has already had her own book (and has another to follow!) but i shan’t be too bitter because the stories themselves were fair enough. i just think they’d have worked much better in the usual format. although i must admit it does pick up considerably in the second half, from saffron’s section onwards.