A review by meghjcollins
Medea by Rosie Hewlett


Medea, Rosie Hewlett ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Wow. From the first page, wow. I read 80% of this book in one go and, honestly, if I didn't have responsibilities I'd have read it all in one go. 

I was lucky enough to get a copy of this book via NetGalley, after hearing the review from HANNAH, we have very similar tastes, and because of that, I had very high hopes - Hewlett did not disappoint. 

I loved the strength of the characters throughout and not just focusing on our protagonist, Hewlett manages to weave through layers to all of her characters, creating a feeling of empathy, rage, desperation as you read. As we read Medea's thoughts are captivating and we follow her journey with ease. I found myself growing fonder of her as it progressed and found myself pleading in my own head to stop the story when things got tough - I was completely immersed and invested in the story and in Medea. Hewlett's writing is brilliant in that I began to anticipate the characters moods, the rage was felt, alongside the jealousy, passion and grief. 

Along with the characters, the imagery we are given is wonderfully done, the story grows and the world grows with it - there is a fine balance between dialogue and description, it's not too heavy and reads so fluidly. 

This is a story of power and grit and resilience. I want to say there are gems of excellence throughout, but it's more than gems, it's everywhere and created a fantastic read. 

My favourite quotes that sum up the book nicely: 
🔥 "Violence breeds violence"
👑 "And let a new Medea rise from the ashes"
⚔ "..as if our fight has moved to new plains, and now our bodies are the battlefield."