A review by missyjohnson
Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn


Sad and unusual book.
The story of a family, Hawai’i, Hawaiian gods, legends, poverty and choices.
Malia and Augie have three children. Dean is a 6’5” basketball star. Nainoa is brilliant and seems to be gifted with healing from the gods. He was saved by sharks after falling overboard from a boat. Kaui, the youngest and a girl is also brilliant and excels in engineering. I was a little uncomfortable with the ease that the family was able to discuss sex, especially descriptions that the parents used when talking to their children. The family lives in poverty but the parents try hard to give their children opportunities as going to the mainland to college. Lots of stupid decisions are made by all and the impact for each is dramatic. Dean and his hot head and “bad boy” needs. Noa and his need to try to heal everyone and everything but not himself, Kaui and her need to be accepted for who she is. Ultimately Hawai’i calls each one home in a different way.