A review by lolasreviews
Fatal Floss by ACF Bookens


I received a free copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed it.

I really like this series and was eager for another mystery and following Paisley's daily life. In Fatal Floss there is again a dead body that Paisley finds, but this time they're not sure who the body belongs to. Paisley dives into the history of the families who owned the land the body was found on and discovers many interesting things along the way.

The mystery in this one felt a bit slower to me as they don't find out who the body belongs to till later in the book. It felt a bit less like a mystery and more like a research into history about the families who lived there. And while it was really interesting I kinda missed the tie to the present, that tie is there and becomes more prominent later, just not as much as in previous books. Then at the end when things start to come together I felt like the tension increased and there are some interesting twists. I like the focus on history and the effects it has on present day people in this series.

With the way they get chickens at the start of the book, I had hoped to read more about the chickens, but there are only a few mentions here and there. It also bothered me something that Santiago did later in the book as it didn't feel in character and we don't get the full reasoning behind it or get it resolved as some other things happen take the focus.

While this wasn't my favorite book in the series I still enjoyed following Paisley along as she researched the history of this land and the families who had lived there. As usual she has a great group of side characters around her who help and assist her. I liked Paisley and how she handles things and reading about her friends and family. It was nice to see her relationship with Santiago progress as he's planning to move in with her. Her son Sawyer is getting older and is now going to school. I also liked seeing Mika and Mary play a prominent role again and the whole yarn event they set up.

To summarize: This was another solid read. The mystery gripped me a bit less and felt a bit slower as only late in the book we find out who the dead person is. A lot focuses on Paisley researching the land where the body was found and the families who lived there in the past. Late in the story it all comes together and there are some tense scenes when the truth comes to light. I wish there was more about the chickens they got, but maybe in the next book. I liked following paisley as she solves this mystery and reading about her and her friends and family.