A review by eesh25
Criss Cross by Jordan Castillo Price


So, second book and I gotta say I liked this one a lot more. The first was more interesting than it was good. Though this one isn't without its issues either.

The biggest problem is still the romance. Can some who's read the rest of the series tell me if we ever find out why Jacob likes Victor? I'm not asking that in a mean way. It's just that after two books, I'm not sure what drew, and continues to draw, Jacob toward Victor. We know that Vic likes Jacob's kindness and patience, and comforting presence. But what specifically does Jacob like about Vic? So far, all I've got is that psychic abilities turn him on, and that's not enough for actual feelings.

There are other smaller problems as well, like Jacob still needing more of a personality. And the writing could use improvement, too. But those seem to be getting better. Jacob's interest in Vic doesn't appear to be something the author's interested in addressing at all.

And now that we've gotten most of the negatives out of the way (a great way to start, right?), let's look into some positives.

First, the plot of the book is more coherent and more interesting than the last. It wasn't related to a case but to Vic and how his abilities seemed to be on the fritz. I did figure out a part of the mystery beforehand, which was a bummer, but some of it was still a surprise. And the writing, again, was better. We got to know Jacob a little bit more as well. He's a nice guy, and I like him. I've warmed up to Vic too.

I wasn't a huge fan of how the book chose to stop Lisa from being helpful, though. There had to be something better than a no-phones rule at the camp-thing. But at the same time, I liked how her vague warning played into the mystery. Mixed feelings there.

Overall, a decent sequel that I enjoyed. It made me more optimistic about the future books, partially because it was done better than the first and partially because it just ended on a more optimistic note. I'm looking forward to continuing the series. I could really use an urban fantasy series to get sucked into. Let's hope this is it.