A review by lulu_bean
The Tiger's Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera


Wlw book!
It is more romance heavy than action adventure epic heavy which can feel a little misleading if you read the back of the book. It does get action adventure-y later on in the book. This book has some of the prettiest descriptions of love of read like the language used to describe it had me highlighting and annotating so much.

I can see why some people weren’t crazy about the writing style (it being told via someone writing an extremely long letter to another) but I enjoyed it. It did take me a bit to get into because I’m not use to the authors writing style but once I got into it I finished the book pretty quickly.

Quote light spoiler below:

“The sky is full of stars beyond number, each one representing a life. And yet and all those lives beyond number, and all those millions of years, live by those before us, and all their shared experience, none have loved so thoroughly as we.”