A review by babblingchatterreads
Stay by A.L. Jackson


★★★★✩✩✩ 4.75 chaotic stars!

The author does it again! The Bleeding Stars series continues to blow my feels out of the water! Ash Evans and Willow Langston's story was nothing I had expected and it was sooo much more.

With him, it was always the same.
Turmoil and mayhem.
Chaotic Comfort.
Disordered Relief.

Ash is a playboy, arrogant, tattooed rock star living a musicians life filled with endless women and fame and taking this world to the fullest. He lived a carefree life who had experienced love before and vowed to never fall again. Until he was saved by the mysterious Willow where his eyes begin to open to seeing more; however, his darkest secrets (one in particular) could ruin everything. Avoid, deny, and pretend.

"Sometimes we get so comfortable behind the protection of our walls, we forget we ned to step out from behind them to actually live."

The woman with the big chocolate eyes, Willow is living day by day and continuing the dreams of her mother. Unknown to much outside her store she is unaware of anything more and prefers to live within life of her store until that stranger she saves give her the chills she had least expected. Little did she know that he was the answer to her prayers. Wanting and needing can be complicated and thanks to her past she avoids letting anyone in.

"Love is never cut and dry. It's messy. Confusing. Sometimes it's ugly and sometimes it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen."

The words flowing out of the story was like reading a beautiful poetry of two broken souls...wishing, seeking, but utterly afraid. Two people who are as different as night and day and who had encountered each other under dire circumstances. They share something deeper than they could explain. It will pull your emotions in different directions and have you fall hard, deep, and lost into their world. Get ready for your heart to become out of whack in good and bad ways. In the end it will all be worth experiencing their journey.