A review by kymme
Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me by Chelsea's Family Friends and Other Victi


This book will make you very, very glad you are not friends with and do not work for Chelsea Handler. Unless you like your weekends, honeymoons, and general everyday life ruined by her ridiculous and often weirdly cruel practical jokes. That said, her friends and co-workers seem incredibly gullible, so the book could also make you feel quite savvy and clever. Also, she and her friends and co-workers seem deeply immature--often in fun ways, but also really problematic ways, so the book could make you feel a little lame-mature, but it will also likely make you feel you've escaped dangerous-immature. And, of course, since it's a Chelsea Handler book, even though she didn't write it (see title), it's often laugh-out-loud/groan-out-loud/pee-your-pants funny. So this book can make you feel grateful for the life you lead, diminish any envy you might feel for celebrity life, provide a little ego-stroking for your superiority complex, and make you laugh. And its 292 pages are filled with largeish print and multiple pictures, so you'll also feel like a speed reader. It's the Lik-m-Aid (aka Fun Dip) of brain candy.

Added bonus: Chelsea seems to have challenged her friends-coauthors to all use the same unusual word in their pieces. Or at least that's what I think happened.