A review by sarahs_bookish_life
Sins of the Father by Sharon Bairden


The story starts off with Rebecca’s dismal upbringing. It was heart-breaking stuff seeing this young child being neglected by her mother and the levels of abuse she has to endure. When her mother dies, she ends up in the care system. Sadly this doesn’t bring poor Rebecca anymore happiness than when she was back at home.

The main stand out character for me is Jim. I thought he was a wonderful character and I instantly warmed to him. You can tell he really cares about the kids that are in his charge and he tries to do the best for them. The authors own work background I think really shines throughout the storyline to do with Jim and Rebecca’s work roles.

In the main the story focuses on Rebecca although towards the latter we see things from hers, as well as Lucas’ point of view. It’s hard to know quite what to say about Rebecca. I had empathy for her but as an adult she isn’t overly likable. What happened to her as a child has made a huge impact in the person she is today. This is a without a doubt a book you need to read for yourself to understand the darkness within it.

Sins of the Father is such an impressive debut. I was hooked from the first few pages and begrudged the times I had to put it down to get on with real life. It makes for a compulsive read with some unexpected twists along the way. The pacing was spot on and the tension was enough to keep me well and truly glued to what I was reading. An immensely dark, tense, story that messes with your head and emotions. Can’t wait for more from the author!

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