A review by purple_reads
The Dragons of Nova by Elise Kova


I wasn’t as drawn into the story during this book than I was with the first instalment. It felt like a filler of information just to lead to a cliffhanger at the end.

I wanted more Florence, I didn’t care for what was happening on Nova. I’m still annoyed that Ari didn’t really address what she did to Florence in the previous book either.

Something that caught my attention was the Crimson Court, but even that wasn’t developed upon besides fighting to the death. I would’ve loved to see more of it but I didn’t. Nothing interesting happened there besides the duel with Ari and the Master Rider. Furthermore, it is emphasised that Cvareh is expected to duel and it would be seen as weak if he didn’t but we don’t see any repercussions when this happened. The narrative didn’t follow through with what was previously stated.

This book definitely focuses more on the characters than the plot.

I’m excited to know more about Fay and hoping we get to see some development there.

Coletta is
Spoiler a better ruler than Yveun
and interests me a lot. I hope to see more of her in the last book.


I’m sad about Petra.

I wish Ari chapters didn’t exist sometimes.

Stars ~ 3.5