A review by amarettto
The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren


I made the mistake of not really reading the synopsis completely before starting this book. I only read the part that went over a geneticist attempting to match people together, and thought it would be interesting in a science-fictiony way. I was definitely surprised that it turned into a soppy romance.

Thinking about my experience with this book, I'm awarding it three stars for a few reasons. First, it felt like it didn't really pick a lane, starting off by doubling down on the GeneticAlly/serious scientist bit, and then all of a sudden turning into soft porn for a few chapters. The latter made me deeply uncomfortable and having not read many romance novels, I have no idea if this is the norm. It just felt sort of out of character in this book (and it's even categorized as Young Adult). Second, Juno as a character kind of annoyed me. I know she was an important addition to the story, but her constant quirking and incessant questions kind of reinforced why I often struggle to see kids in my own future.

Having said all this, and now knowing that it actually was meant to be a full on romance novel, when I finished the book, the epilogue actually did make me tear up and I think it was the best part of the book. It was actually touching and didn't suffer from the cheesy over-doing that a lot of the rest of the book did. I'd say that is the only part that had me debate adding an additional star to my review, but I ended up going with how much of the story itself impressed me.