A review by icedpinecones
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett


Lord of the flies meets the handmaid's tale in the most beautiful, primal, brutal but inspiring tale of womanhood.

I absolutely adored this book, I went in with no expectations. I had no hype for it, just picked it up on a whim and went for it. It was the best choice I've made all year.

The book twists all your expectations, shoots a dark metaphor that is sadly a realistic depiction of the way not only men tear us apart but we as women tear eachother apart too.

I genuinely do not have enough words for this book, I only wished it could've been written in the adult genre so it could be more brutal. The pain and horror of it reads very much akin to the hunger games in that you know what's happening is deeply fucked but it never goes too depth-y on details as to be too much for a younger audience.

I just don't have the words, I loved this book. It was beautiful and mortifying and solemn at every point. I could talk about it for hours and probably will, a definitive favourite read of 2023 and I am so so glad I did pick this book up.