A review by therightprofile
The Wolf's Mother Speaks by Ben Dolnick


I have long been fascinated by the the literature about wolves and werewolves so I was particularly eager to experience this book.

The titular "Wolf's Mother" is Joyce. The story begins when she starts opening up to her neighbour, a soon-to-be-father, hoping that he may write a book about her. They don't converse about the usual topics neighbours talk about. In fact, he hardly says anything at all. Instead, Joyce has some gruesome secrets which unwind, one after the other from the night when she finds out that her son turns into a wolf....

I didn't find Joyce particularly engaging and fully-fleshed-out. There were many comments and complaints coming from her about many things which sound like something that one may overhear but didn't provide any particular insight or depth of her as a person and her bottomless love for her son.

That being said the narrator was engaged, kept my interested and I did listen 'til the end. I wasn't particularly horrified or intrigued but I was entertained. I think that this could have worked better as a short story. Ultimately, it was a rather short audio book.

(early access courtesy of NetGalley.com)