A review by readsbylaura
We're Going to Need More Wine: Stories That Are Funny, Complicated, and True by Gabrielle Union


Review also posted on my blog
3.5 stars.
Before I go into this review, I would like to state that I am biracial and I identify as African American and Caucasian. And as someone who was not able to grow up around her Black family members, I do the best I can to learn from my friends and what I hear and see. I gather all the information, the good and the bad, about the culture I didn't grow up around because in order for me to embrace who I am and the culture I identify as and am a part of, I need to know as much as I can. And instead of just being told, and listening and observing; reading about my culture is something I need to do more of. But, anyway, let me talk about We're Going to Need More Wine.

I would give the non-fiction prose/writing style about 3 stars. Although I didn't enjoy the way Gabrielle Union wrote as much as I would have liked; she still had a somewhat engaging style of prose. It easily flowed together and it kind of felt like she was casually telling me this like we were two people catching up.

But aside from the style of prose, I truly do believe this is good collection of stories that can teach a lot of people on what it's like to grow up Black and what it's like being Black in Hollywood. It's very insightful about being Black, being a celebrity, being a rape survivor, having trouble getting pregnant, and embracing what it is to be a woman and what it is to be a Black woman.

All of the stories in We're Going to Need More Wine stood out a lot and gave me a lot to think about, but the one's that made me think a lot were Black Girl Blues and Black Women Blues.

There is a story in Black Girl Blues that regards noses and nose jobs. The bit about nose jobs didn't stand out in particular, but what did stand out was what Gabrielle Union said when she tried to make her nose look more European:

"As a kid I tried the old clothespin trick. I would walk around my house with my nose pinched in a clothespin, hoping it would miraculously reshape my nose. I had a method, attaching it just so and mouth-breathing while I did my homework. It didn't work."

I may have the nose that all Black people have because of my father, but I personally never knew about this or even thought a trick like this existed. It shocked me that this was something that happens, so, it made me ask myself: what else don't I know about? 

Lastly, Black Women Blues stood out to me because it is a story about light skin vs. dark skin, a debate that has been in the community for as long as I can remember. I loved this story because although I know about the issues about how light skin is seen as better and prettier than dark skin in society, etc. I was able to see more of feelings and thoughts instead of just facts. Don't get me wrong, hardcore facts are important and are interesting to learn about, but to see a more personal side of everything is so powerful. Gabrielle Union is very open and raw with this particular story and I think it's why I like it the most. I feel as though I got to know more than what is revealed on social media or through a conversation that doesn't really include what they actually feel and what they do in order to to be seen.

There are also two things from Black Women Blues that instantly made me go deep and think about a lot of things within myself and what Black women go through.

1. "My mother told me that she married a darker-skinned black man because she didn't want her kids to have "light-skin problems."
2. "My mother felt the burden, but I witnessed the privilege."

I can't say what exactly makes these stand out to me, but they do. I know my privilege. I know it is there and will always be there. I am aware of my privilege and I am aware of what dark skin women go through, but I feel as though there is still a lot that I don't know and still need to learn.

Overall, I'd give this a 3.5 rating because the style of prose isn't special or amazing, but it is a memoir that gives a lot of insight and knowledge about what Black women and men go through, which is what makes the book what it is.