A review by pushnpages
The One Night Stand Before Christmas by Jana Aston


• hilarious holiday romance •

| holiday romance | christmas romance | small town romance | one night stand | short story | spicy | novella | hit and run on santa | mistaken identity | matchmaker |

Okay, this is quite possibly the funniest holiday romance I have read this season. That is saying quite a lot since this was a short story/novella.

I could not stop laughing reading this book. I mean every other page I was dying of laughter. This has been my favorite of the Reindeer Falls books which follow three sisters who live in a very christmas centered small town. They each have ridiculously festive names and share the last name Winter.

Noel and Theo (Teddy) have by far been my favorite couple of the series. I will probably read this story again next year because it was just so good. It was spicy, hilarious, and so unique in plot. I mean one night stand with hot santa? Yes please.

A quick must read for the holiday season.

Happy Reading Friends xx