A review by dnietoperafan
The Mysteries of Udolpho: By Anne Radcliffe - Illustrated by Ann Radcliffe


This is the first book I read for my Gothic Literature class, and I just have to say, I hated and loved it at the same time. First off, the passing of this novel is incredibly slow. The first few chapters, maybe even the whole of volume 1, was filled with scenery descriptions and a kickstarter for the main plot. But to be fair, these give the characters, specially Emily, more of a real feel. In volume 2 the plot thickens. Ghosts, castles, and mysteries; what else could you ask for?

As for the characters, Emily might not be the most groundbreaking protagonist, but I definitely cared about her. All the emotions, the dramatic poetry, and over the top reactions made my reading experience amazing. I have to say though, I didn’t take them too seriously, so I kept laughing whenever Emily fainted. Nevertheless, she is a protagonist you can like and care for.

The descriptions are beautifully written, yet they are pretty slow at times. If you like descriptions, I would definitely recommend this novel; yet if you like more action-y books, maybe this is not the one for you. Either way, it was a great gothic novel.