A review by emmalouisepip
The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh


TW: Mentions of rape, graphic descriptions of murder victims.
This took me about a week to read mainly because I didn't want it to end. I wanted it to last.
All I knew going into this was Vampires, murder and 1872 New Orleans. But I was excited to read this. I haven't read that many vampire books before. I pretty much missed that trend somehow.
Although this felt slow paced I think it worked perfectly. Everything developed at the perfect pace. Nothing felt rushed. Instead we learnt about Celine. Saw her grow. Watched her develop relationships with people she probably shouldn't.
Celine is probably my favourite character. She is sharp witted. Doesn't have time for bullshit. She won't back down even if she should. I'm excited to see where her development goes in book two.
I loved that Odette is an openly gay woman in the 1800s where it's not really acceptable. I need more from her in book two.
I liked how Renée handled introducing Vampires. It didn't happen on page one. Instead giving you hints to who may just be human and who may be more. Don't expect too much vampire action as that is something that develops throughout the book.
The atmosphere for this is dark and with a touch of horror in the perfect places. I found myself questioning who the killer who, which I was wrong in the end. Which doesn't surprise me. Everytime I thought I knew Renée dropped more hints and threw me off.

Overall I loved this. I'm excited but nervous for the sequel. I wish the sequel was ready. But having to wait like a year means I have the perfect excuse to reread this. I'm only nervous because of Celine and Bastien. Where it could go regarding them. Based on how it ended.
Speaking of the ending I'm heartbroken.

*Received a copy from Net Galley for an honest review*