A review by kellylynnthomas
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men, Vol. 1 by Stan Lee


Kind of fun to go through old comics, but also kind of torturous, because the prose is so over-wrought, they all start out in the danger room with bizarre training contraptions and end with a super villain/mutant attack, and Scott and Jean just pine endlessly over each other (except for that one weird issue where Professor X grossly professes his desire for Jean to the reader, and then never mentions it again). I appreciate this book much more as an historical document than as literature, but it is still fun to read an issue at lunch time every now and then.

The Masterworks volume is fairly nice, though whoever decided using Times New Roman for the font for the page numbers at the bottom of the page should be shot. That's not really a font that should be used in professional book production, people. Stan Lee's introduction on this first one volume pretty good. Typical Stan Lee stuff, but fun to read. A nice retrospective on the beginning of the X-Men. (The later intros aren't so great.)