A review by bodebeabay
Dream of Dragons by Aja James


4.5 Stars.
Quote from [b:Dream of Dragons|56338749|Dream of Dragons (Dragon Tails #1)|Aja James|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1608391402l/56338749._SY75_.jpg|87776045]
"山无陵, 天地合,乃敢与君绝
Til mountains crumble/ Til earth and sky collide/ Not til then will my love die."

Well, I am impressed. When I found out Ms. [a:Aja James|970774|Aja James|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1511880941p2/970774.jpg] was going to do a Dragon series, I was worried.
I read a lot of Dragon PNR and 99% of them 'Suck Eggs'.
They are without a doubt one of the hardest PNR type books to find a decent story in. So, my expectations were low. I actually did not expect to like it.
Color me 'Surprised'.

The world build and story line were well written. The two mc's, Rui and Wolfe, were fantastic characters. I loved them both. There is humor, lots of adult sexy steamy scenes, Butt Kicking scenes especially with Rui. I love a female mc that can really kick ass! And Rui has all the Kick Ass Moves! Tons of Action, Suspense, Mystery and Intrigue.

My only problems I have is I was left with a couple of questions in my head about Wolfe and the ending.
Spoiler1. How does who his father is effect him? He has some 'Abilities' but.... I felt there should be more about that.
2. The ending. I understand the 'Paradox' but, if the what the JE said is true
SpoilerDoesn't that therefore wipe out the stone? And create another paradox?
Or was the JE making Wolfe make a decision?

Overall, a great read and very well written. Looking forward to the next in the series.