A review by bookphile
The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee


Re-read a second time. Absolutely love still.


I absolutely loved everything about this book!

It was hilarious, original, fast-paced, and had amazing characters, great writing, and did I mention hilarious?!

It's not easy to write comedy or even something so effortlessly funny. But Yee combines loveable characters who sometimes act and say ridiculously absurd things in seemingly normal setting and you can't help but just giggle as the situations escalate.

If I had to describe our main character, Genie, it would be ballsy. She's got a temper, a mouthy-mouth, and a height that lets her get away with it and she's not afraid to use it. God, I love her so much. But the thing is, Genie is also a perfect student who wants to get into Ivy League, a star athlete, and a devoted daughter. Except if you get in her way, she'll crush you. She's so well-rounded it's ridiculous.

And Quentin, oh my Sweet Monkey King, you expect to hate him. He's an ass, he says ridiculous things and has a bad case of a foot-in-mouth disease. But he's also charmingly sweet and has a disarming personality that managed to get past Genie's defenses and god damn, what chance did I have?

The romance build up was also so slow and even subtle, that I didn't even have time to be annoyed at the angst. It's obvious Quentin adores her, in a "you're a fearsome gal, and I want you to throw me over your shoulder to Chinese Heaven, so we can wreck it again" kind of way. Genie is obviously attracted to him even though she fights it tooth and nail. AND there's a high difference... and Genie is taller. AWWW.

The plot isn't the most original, but I think it's carried by the fact that it's based on Chinese mythology monsters not European/American monsters. It's also fast-paced and suspenseful so you keep flipping those pages. The fact that's it funny also makes it really entertaining. There's also a subtle depth to the story that makes it even more amazing. Genie's life isn't an easy one, with her parent's separation and college looming.

Overall, The Epic Crush of Genie Lo is an amazing read. It has everything: humor, drama, romance, fighting monsters. I highly recommend it to everyone.