A review by krys_and_books
Children of Daedala by Caighlan Smith


Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book is not for everyone, I had some reservations after reading the first one (I was taken by surprise the violence in that book) but I was also dying to know more. This book is definitely not as violent (in many different ways) as the first one but it still has its fair share of violence and death. Our nameless MC is on her own now since the death of her mentor when thrown out of Fates so violently and we find her exploring the labyrinth and also aware of more groups other than Fates. Unfortunately these two groups are at odds and Nameless finds herself in the center of the dispute with no way of knowing who is lying to her and who is telling her the truth.

Stronger and more wise than she was in book one our MC still has a lot to learn just how much the labyrinth can change a person and still makes some pretty frustrating decisions. Still a huge improvement to who she was in book one, that being said. I still have absolutely no answers to anything from book one and only more questions due to book two and my heart really can’t handle cliffhanger endings the likes of which this one stopped at. Seriously, I’ll be haunted by this because I have to wait for book three to find out what’s going to happen after that ending. It’s not fair.

Do I recommend this book? Yes, just not to everyone. Like my review says at the start, it’s not a book for everyone. At least not something I’d give without warning as to what to expect at least.

Thanks for giving me this chance to read.