A review by nannahnannah
Birth of the Firebringer by Meredith Ann Pierce


Wow, I haven't read this for a long, long time, and I'm glad I reread it now. Meredith Ann Pierce has always been a major inspiration for me, and this book was probably one of my first favorite reads and favorite fantasy books.

At first, things seem a little stilted and awkward, probably because it's written in a very different language style than a lot of books written today (including fantasy - at least most of the ones I've read). :S I don't know that much about books in the 80s, and if there was a defined decade "style", but the book's language seems pretty distinct. Lyrical, evocative, and mesmerizing.

The plot is less amazing (unicorns traveling to somewhere and back, the mystery of the "firebringer" that's actually pretty obvious), but the way the story's told just makes it so beautiful.