A review by alexandrabree
No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need by Naomi Klein


This book is brutal. Ignore the political front for a minute. Did they even consider editing this? Because it seems like they did a one and done draft all the way.
Klein has clearly been taking hints from LR Hubbard who wrote more garbage than anyone ever.

Moving into the political, this woman has zero stance and contradicts herself constantly, I don’t have a dog in which political “powerhouse” rules but if your going to write a political “hit” piece on Trump/Trumpera maybe it should make a tiny bit of sense. I really wish someone would step up and write a coherent statement on why you should vote for X, instead of the long parade of reasons to vote against a different party. The lesser of two evils is still evil for goodness sake. Hello world grab a brain.

Anyway, I semi-read and then skimmed basically skipping the last half because *puke*