A review by em_beddedinbooks
Foreign Body by Robin Cook


My second read of this book and am very disillusioned by the quality of research that has gone on to expose the paucity of Delhi and Varanasi in particular and India in general.
There are too many misrepresented facts that can't be ignored.
The story too is a lukewarm slapdash attempt at creating a medical mystery surrounding medical tourism.

Jennifer Hernandez (I strongly resented this character, she rubbed me the wrong way), a 4th year medical.student is shocked to know from CNN news that her grandmother has died under mysterious circumstances after undergoing hip replacement surgery in New Delhi, India. Within a couple of days, another 2 US citizens die in reputed hospitals in Delhi after undergoing elective surgical procedures.
Jennifer flies to Delhi to investigate, dragging in Laurie Montgomery ( het mentor) and Jack Stapleton, Laurie's husband), both of them reputed forensic pathologists. Jennifer's boyfriend Neal too joins the melee..

they uncover disheartening facts.

Veena Chandra, is a nurse employed by an American company , who has ahand in these mysterious deaths. She is another character who has a major role in the turn of the events.

The whole story was improbable and ludicrous. I usually don't find out loopholes, unless they are pointed out to me. But this novel made me proud of myself.

Later on, I will enumerate all.the drawbacks of this story , but suffice to say, this is one book that i won't recommend to anyone.