A review by caterinaanna
The Short Life and Long Times of Mrs. Beeton: The First Domestic Goddess by Kathryn Hughes


Years ago I was given a facsimile edition of the original BHM as a birthday present by a chap who then nicked it to write a musical piece for the Stonesfield Ladies' Choral Society - not one of the adaptations that gets a mention in the final chapter. I'm not sure if I have the manuscript, but I certainly have a copy buried in a box somewhere.

Anyway, to the book: easy to read - in the manner of all good biographies it wears its erudition lightly. Only reason it took me so long was because it's time fell around a double department inspection at school so lots of extra work. Given that the theory about why Mrs B died so young and her husband did the things he did thereafter is well-supported by the evidence and placed in the context of the time, as the author takes pains to do, methinks it is sad rather than scandalous. What is most revealing is the joint nature of Isabella and Sam's ventures and many bored readers of their publications would no doubt have envied her her freedom.