A review by jamiesbookaddiction
Campy by Nora Phoenix, K.M. Neuhold


I was really disappointed in this one. I'm not sure what I was expecting, though, because Campy didn't really get a lot of exposure in the first three books.

I couldn't buy into either of these characters. The biggest issue I had is that Campy was written as though he didn't know he wasn't gay or bi-sexual. He's a freaking GAY porn star. I mean, I get he could be in denial, blah blah, but this didn't work for me AT.ALL.

Then you add Jackson in. While he's this down-home country boy, he was a little too sweet.

I'm also not a fan of books that go start at a point we've already read. We get to relive Brewer and Tank first having their scenes together and then moving in together again. It's frustrating since I've already read these scenes and this book didn't add anything really different.

Hopefully Pixie's book is better.