A review by bananatricky
The Attraction of Adeline by Lisa Wells


DNF at 56%.

Jack Foster needs a fake fiancee to get the promotion at work he wants. Adeline Rigby is friends with Jack's sister Kinley and wants to learn to speak french before she goes to culinary school in Paris. Kinley suggests a quid-pro-quo where Adie pretends to be Jack's fiancee and Jack teaches Adie french.

As someone else said in their review, this just seemed to be going through the motions, maybe the idea that a large accountancy firm would have a requirement for potential directors/partners to be married was just too much to swallow (as an accountant) on top of the fake fiancee plot.

Either way, I just didn't really warm to either Jack or Adie and DNF'd.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.