A review by katetj
Defiance by Lili St. Crow


YAY it finally got here!! Sadly I wont be able to start reading it till Friday :( but at least that shall be a nice birthday present to myself.. On Friday one strawberry bubble bath and Defiance shall be waiting for me on my birthday when I get home from uni! Now that's good motivation to get all my work done!

Its really small compared to the others! I was really shocked and a bit disappointed with its size! lets just hope that it wont disappoint and that Graves will be okay!


Yesterday was my birthday.. Im older now >_< but the best part of my day after a long suffering day at university i came home, and cracked this baby open, with a bottle of champagne and a nice strawberry bubble bath!

Now other than my glasses occasionally fogging up because of all the steamy bits in the book I stayed in the bath for hours and finally got out only when the champagne lead to a headache, therefore painkillers were needed.

now about Defiance - spoilers shall proceed from here on out so BEWARE!

The best think I've enjoyed about this series is her writing style, give me an author who can write about the heroines need to pee and make it sound quirky and hilarious over anything any day! and the fact that I've never really been able to tell who exactly Dru will end up with.

I had no doubt that it would be Graves, because he exceeds awesomeness, but then Christophe came along and made me hate and love him all in one go.. In Defiance it was all topsy turvy, Graves wasn't around to reassure me and Chris took the lead and after the AMAZING ending!

Dru gets her backbone back on, and her fuck you all attitude, never really gone but ghosted by the shit im so helpless fights back and leaving me with this horrible suspicious feeling that Dru is going to end up with Christophe and maybe Graves with the new werewulf Nat, Dru's good friend.

Why do i get this strange sneaking suspicion? not because of all the fireworks that was going on in Dru's lady pants, but because Graves is although amazing and I would jump his bones any day, he's loyal amazing but still looks up to Dru to lead the way, and if He doesn't man up and do the protecting to make her feel safe instead of the other way around I'm afraid he's going to loose her to Christophe :(

Not that Dru needs a man to make her feel safe, cause shes a kick-ass svetocha, its just how things are seeming to roll, Chris to her in this book is described as feeling like 'home' and safe etc, but also because she knows that with him around she doesn't always have to be the one doing the protecting she can step back and have a break.

And well in books, movies, TV etc girls always go for the most screwed up guy, who needs her, and well lets face it, Graves is pretty screwed up at the moment, but I think Christophe's second name is 'screwed-up' and frankly who knows what will happen if Crazy Chris doesn't have Dru there to keep him going apeshit on everyone.

I hope my little theory is wrong.. and Graves wins in this little area but since I like them both, It shall depend on Ms Saintcrow, and how she ends this little love triangle and if the end will make it one of my favourite series, or demote it to the hate pile :)

Thank god that I only have to wait till November for the conclusion!