A review by reasonpassion
Warheart by Terry Goodkind


I'd forgotten just how much Goodkind's style of writing is about telling rather than showing. In many spots it's almost like a long lecture that happens to be done by fantasy characters. Still, the long story of Richard and Kahlan that began over a decade ago has come to an end (maybe?) and I'm glad I finished it. There's a part of me that wonders whether Goodkind wrote some of what he did here as a philosophical middle finger to the generic "the one" fantasy trope. Add in that this continues to be an ode to Ayn Rand's thinking and Richard is a fantasy version of John Galt, complete with long expositions, and the result is an at times fascinating exploration of just what kind of world there would be if you took the notion of prophecy seriously. There were moments here that were rather nostalgic, finally running into characters we hadn't seen in quite some time, but these scenes were tacked on at the end and while fun, were but a side-note to the continuously never-wrong actions of Richard. Anyway, it's done, it was interesting, if you've stuck with the series so far, it'll be appreciated.