A review by stanfieldwrites
Faye and the City in the Sea by Nicole Bailey


I'm finally back to actually write the review I intended when I originally finished this book. This was certainly a story with a heavier tone, especially as it relates to Faye and her struggles to overcome the trauma she survived. It was perhaps what made this book stand out to me, the way in which she struggles her way through PTSD and all of the challenges that entails. You feel for her at every step along the journey she takes, hoping that she finds her way through it. I also immensely enjoyed the way in which the world of the Ether opens up even more, as we're introduced to the Mercity and its inhabitants. You get the sense, too, that this world is only just starting to be revealed and that's a true testament to the power of the mythology that infuses this tale. I'm eagerly looking forward to what comes next for Faye and her friends, even if I am a little cross about the fate of one particular character. (Yes, I'm still holding on to that, and no, I don't intend to let it go. HA!)