A review by jess_mango
Redhead by the Side of the Road by Anne Tyler


Redhead by the Side of the Road is an everyman story. This story's everyman is Micah, a man who works as an independent contractor helping people with their home computer issues. He also works as the super for his apartment building. So basically, he spends his days helping people. He's set in his ways and has his routines. He diligently obeys traffic laws and even imagines a higher traffic power watching him and commenting on his good driving. His well-ordered world is thrown askew when his girlfriend tells him she might be evicted AND a teenager he has never met shows up at his door.

This book was a quick read and I was able to read it in a couple of hours this morning while the kids were sleeping in. This is a character-driven story and was reminiscent of A Man Called Ove in several ways. Both Ove and Micah are curmudgeonly. Both of them like to do things the way they like to do them. "Redhead" wasn't a tearjerker for me though, whereas I definitely welled up a little at the end of Ove. This is probably the 5th or 6th book that I've read by Anne Tyler and they are always a nice relaxing break from thrillers, more serious lit, and fluffy chick lit. Just nice calm, slice of life story without crazy outrageous drama.