A review by kc_kinda_reads
Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement by Tarana Burke


Unbound is the story of a woman who inspired a movement and created a safe space for women and girls to share in their struggle and know that they are not alone.
The honesty and rawness of the life and story of Tarana inspired me on every page. To see the formation of a young girl that struggled with her self worth and identity based on the actions of others, like so many, become an advocate and protector, in a sense, for those same little girls and women just highlights the dedication and passion that Tarana continues to put out into this world. So thankful to Tarana for sharing her story and the growth of a movement that many have yet to see the full picture of.

I have to say this is a must read but please check the trigger warnings as there are accounts of sexual assault and harrassment that may be hard for some. Stay safe and know that you are never alone in this world!