A review by firstimpressionsreviews
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Other Stories by John Tenniel, Lewis Carroll


One day a curious little girl named Alice follows a rabbit down a rabbit-hole, and what ensues is a fantastical adventure that most people could not even dream up. After a constant act of shrinking and growing Alice meets the many characters of Wonderland, a blue caterpillar smoking a hookah, who's sentences tend to go round and round like an 8-track player, all ending with "Who are you?" She has tea with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare leaving more confused than when she arrived and drinking less tea than was expected. She also comes across the Cheshire Cat with his mysterious grin and the White Rabbit who introduced her to this curious land. Lastly she visits the beautiful garden of the Queen of Hearts, playing a strange game of croquet and witnessing a trial over stolen tarts.

Alice In Wonderland is a very fun, quick read that is not just for children. The obscureness of Wonderland makes it all the more enjoyable, and sometimes wonder if Lewis Carroll added something magic to his tea while writing this story for a little girl.