A review by brinchen
Evermore: A Salvation Series Novella by Corinne Michaels


4.5 Stars

I honestly wasn't about to read it. The cover was what put me off reading it. It's simply too tacky. Then came RARE London in September 2019 and I decided to pre-order it from Corinne Michaels anyway. And I am really glad I did. Evermore was AMAZING! Ben and Gretchen's story was beautiful and the writing... Gosh! So good!

The only downside (if it is an actual downside) to this story was the discrepancy/plothole between the actual events in the two follow-ups and the events in the epilogue of Evermore. It would have been nice, if the author had bored that in mind.
Anyway, it's only a small part in Evermore.

Please don't be like me and let the cover fool you. Evermore is such a great story. I wish it was a full-length novel instead of a novella, though. Ben and Gretchen's story had so much potential, there could have been way more to tell.

And I don't wanna forget the appearances of the rest of the Salvation characters. <3