A review by via1
Torchwood: Almost Perfect by James Goss


This was... crazy?

Firstly, the plot. Insane. Without giving any spoilers, the gays will like this book.

Secondly, the chapter titles are hilarious - some of my personal favourites are:
'Gwen and Ianto get a shopping montage'
'Gwen is wearing corpse'
'Ianto can ride a horse across a beach without fear or shame'
'The strange alien device is plotting to take over Jeremy Kyle after this'
'Jack is softly, softly, catchee monkey'
'Mozart is sponsored by Cholestria'
'Ianto knows the true value of a nugget'
'Eric doesn't feel like dancing, no sir, no dancing today'
'Madonna is a gay icon for beginners'

Basically what I'm trying to say is that you should definitely read this book.