A review by richardwriteson
Confessions in B-Flat by Donna Hill


Being from Atlanta, and seeing actual life Civil Rights Heros come to live on a page, wrapped up in a moving romance, was just so beautiful to me. Donna Hill is amazing! The way she somehow made such a timely novel set in the Civil Rights Movement, a true journey of love during an important time of American history.

Jason and Anita have conflicting feelings about what it takes to have true liberation for black people. But their real liberation is the love that they have for each other. The American dream for them also includes a love that is revolutionary. The Poetry that Hill used for Anita was also beautiful- like a reverse "Love Jones" scenario in a way. The letters from Jason from Vietnam broke me down completely.y

SN: bravo for also including contraception in a novel during a time when that about. I could classify this as a historical romance (crazy to think the 1960s is now historical), but I really appreciated it.

My only negative: I truly didn't want the book to end but so grateful for the HEA ending.