A review by trin
Enemies of the State by Tal Bauer


Outrageously terrible. I have to admit I'm intrigued by the idea of a forbidden romance between the President of the United States and a Secret Service agent, but not when the men in question spend the entire book sobbing hysterically and being absolutely abysmal at their jobs. (Incompetence = one of the least sexy things ever, amirite?)

Also, if you're going to write a story with a political setting, you need to actually know something about politics or avoid those aspects as much as possible and just focus on the fantasy. Bauer does neither, instead crafting a ludicrous international conspiracy plot that reads like something out of Dr. Strangelove. Also, I have to say: using "jihadists," terrorism, and political unrest in Africa and the Middle East to help two white guys touch dicks seems incredibly crass to me (especially, let's be frank, when it's done so freakin' poorly). It feels mere steps away from writing a Holocaust romance.

Basically: sobbing incompetent men are never hot, and this book's politics are at best ill conceived and at worst seriously gross. Downvote.