A review by angus_mckeogh
The Plane That Wasn't There: Why We Haven't Found Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 by Jeff Wise


This should have been much better. Aside from the numerous typographical errors and grammatical mistakes, the entirety of the story kept pushing a ridiculous theory that had little supporting evidence and even less motivational fortitude. Perhaps the plane went north instead of south; if we completely ignore one data set from the satellites. Perhaps "the hijackers" were such criminal masterminds that they predicted hacking into a computer satellite/plane system and planting false data in a program that had never been used to track a plane to such a degree before. Way too many what ifs. No motivations. And even less evidence. I was hoping for some clarity and just got some outlandish, crazy hypotheses. I think it was a Smithsonian documentary that managed to shed much more light on the situation.