A review by thekingcrusoe
Flushboy by Stephen Graham Jones



So I have finished now, on agreement with somebody else - Allie, I ain’t seen no updates from you, come on now - and I can say…there were only 2 scenes/moments that I thought were a net positive.

There was one scene with the health inspector in the back half that I thought was mildly amusing - but only barely so - and the general stuff in the last handful of chapters between the main character and his father and Prudence was okay, but again only barely sparking anything meaningful.

The long and short of this for me is that it is of fairly consistent quality (the only thing it has on Mapping the Interior for example), but that quality is pointless and boring. Characters didn’t matter, setting made no spacial sense, interactions were okay some of the time I guess, the main characters monologuing I guess kinda worked for the character even if I didn’t like it, and nothing that was supposed to make me care or feel anything - whether it be gross, bad, good, amused, whatever - basically did none of that.

This gets one star not because I hated it, but because there was nothing of note that I liked. Taking MtI as I mentioned in the last paragraph - that one had lower lows than this, but it also had higher highs; I’ll recall the first 20% of that book fondly, and it started great (plus I could see myself re-reading it to see if I get more out of it now that I know the contents of the page.

This book had nothing to really appreciate for me. The coming of age/maturity part was the best part, and it barely did anything for me at all, and it doesn’t light a candle next to the light of Goddodin to what other stuff I’ve read, even tho I haven’t read much coming of age stuff yet.

Flat, boring book that made no damn sense and evoked no emotion from me 97% of the time, and I would’ve been happier with it only half finished and “2 stars because whatever” as an official rating as such. Again, it’s not 1 star because I hated it, but because I didn’t like any of it, where everything else I’ve read has had SOMEthing notable that I liked, even if I overall disliked the package (the bird book and MtI are examples.)

DNF Review:

I'm not one to DNF, but this book - alongside my continued lack of desire to ever return to The Tides of War - might be slowly changing my mind about the idea.

This doesn't mean I hate Flushboy, or even that I simply disliked it. The issue I took with Flushboy is that even halfway through, I was so disinterested and unenthused by what was going on that it just wasn't working for me.

The humor didn't work for me (unlike Night of the Mannequins), the characters and setting didn't work for me (unlike Night of the Mannequins), and I was so disconnected from the story (and everything else as mentioned) that most of the toilet related disgustingness wasn't even gross. That's when, after half of the book, I also discovered this morning that I just didn't have any desire to pick the book back up, which is potentially the most damning response a person can have.

Like I said...I wasn't hating the book - I'm sure if it continued the way it was, I would have rated a 2 stars rather than a 1 star - and I feel bad to DNF despite it being a gift from a friend, but Flushboy just isn't for me.

And that's okay, as many of my other friends really like it. :-)