A review by deborah77
Princess and Country by Emmanuelle Snow


An emotional and beautiful story! This book left me with so many emotions, I’m still recovering. Princess and Country is Dahlia and Jeff’s story. Even though I read Pink and Country and knew what was going to happen….I hit me hard. It is told in Dual POV and having Jeff’s perspective is what hit me the hardest. I’m going to say this here…..I do not cry while reading books. I may get emotional and choke up when reading but this book had tears running down my face.

Princess and Country spans across time beginning with Dahlia’s first public music performance at 7-years-old up to her decision to step away from the fame. Throughout the years, Jeff was always there to cheer for her and his brother, her best friend, Carter. Carter and Dahlia have a strong connection. I loved seeing and learning more about their friendship, they have a way of communicating without saying a word. Although Carter is in love with Dahlia, she doesn’t share his feelings and has feelings for the older Jeff. As teenagers, Jeff and Dahlia begin dating, which is romantically sweet. I loved seeing the evolution of their relationship from teenagers to young adults in their early twenties when Dahlia and Carter's music careers heightens. Seeking to find his place, Jeff enlists and is deployed while Dahlia and The Carter Hills Band go on a world tour. When he returns his experiences change him and they face real-life issues that we see them working through. One event tragically changes it all.

If you are looking for a gut wrenching emotional book, I recommend picking this one up as soon as possible. It can be read as a standalone, read before, or read after Pink and Country. If you want to be jolted, read this before Pink and Country.
